Manual Adjustable Chimes
The idea here is to create a set of chimes where the viewer can change both the look of the work as well as the
Here are ideas for works and completed works. Some of these ideas might actually get created if we can figure out how to build them.
The idea here is to create a set of chimes where the viewer can change both the look of the work as well as the
This work was shown for the first time at The Old Frog Pond Farm in Harvard, Massachusetts, as part of an opening of new works,
What if… this giant music box existed where you could fold in or out tabs that would bonk a chime and make a nice sound.
What if… this 10 foot guitar sculpture existed, and you could walk up to it, slide the points hold up the strings to change the
This is a “forest” of 12 vertical rods, each with 4 square “tubes” on it. Each tube can be rotated to feature any of the
This is one of many attempts to create a set of shapes that the sculpture visitor can move around. In this case each shape sits
This is merely a concept, but seems promising. What if you had a large umbrella shape with bells and other noise making things hanging from
We’ve all seen birds on a wire, but what if you could walk up and re-arrange the birds? And what if they were different colors
This attempt has some interesting features but was far less successful than the spheres. Each can is filled with things that make noises when the
SHARE YOUR PHOTOS This grid of spheres invites visitors to come up and rotate the spheres to vary the color arrangement. In its first temporary
These two rather tall styrofoam dragons were created to introduce the idea of outdoor sculpture to Burlington, Massachusetts. Hence, they are the godparents of the